Wednesday, July 23, 2014

From Florida to Connecticut

Christening Tangent
Richard Widmann joins Tangent to guide us on our first 10 days aboard our new home.

Playing chicken with freighters in the Gulf Stream

Our first mahi mahi
Cooling off in 2000 feet of water while Heidi looks for sharks

Chubby little false albacore
Cubby working on a bigger mahi mahi
Drew took over from Cubby and we brought this one aboard
Our mahi becoming lunch and dinner and lunch
Motoring weather 150 miles offshore in the Gulf Stream
Heidi working the helm with Richard
A fantastic spinnaker sail between Wrightsville Beach and Beaufort, NC

Enjoying a swing in the hammock playing "tick-tock-tick-a-nah"
Richard more than earning his keep fixing a broken alternator bracket while motoring along in a thunderstorm

Making the pilgrimage to Coinjock marina on the ICW
Motoring along the ICW somewhere in NC

The USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, VA
Tangent at rest in downtown Norfolk VA

Lunch at the club with Barbara and Richard Widmann

Virginia in July is haaaaaht

Capsize drills with our new paddleboard on the James River
Navy dockyards in Norfolk

Cooking and cleaning demonstrations at Colonial Williamsburg

Return capsule at the Virginia Air and Space Museum in Hampton

A visit from the Jackson family in Annapolis MD and a quick swim in Spa Creek to cool off.
Walking the streets of Annapolis (and occassional running when the T-storms arrived)
Crabs, crabs, and more crabs with the Jackson family
Riding the Cape May trolley with Grampa Jim

Meeting the crew of Piper in Chesapeake City MD (Tripp, Lisa, Finn and Mackie)
Roland joins us in Cape May for our trip to Montauk (with a diversion to Atlantic City for a break from the weather.)

Up the mast to replace the steaming light in 20kts of wind.
Visiting the ocean beach in Cape May with the Piper family

Montauk laundry day with the Presnell family aboard "Piper".

Lake Montauk visit from cousin Will Koehler (with Kurt behind the lens)

Modelo Man stylin' in Stonington